SOFR 1 Month Term+
Prime Rate
5 Year
Treasury: 4.431% ▼Spread: 0.000%Swap: 4.100% ▲
7 Year
Treasury: 4.516% ▼Spread: 0.000%Swap: 4.095% ▲
10 Year
Treasury: 4.585% ▼Spread: 0.000%Swap: 4.102% ▲
30 Year
Treasury: 4.775% ▼Spread: 0.000%Swap: 3.937% ▲

SOFR 1 Month Term:+ 4.21714%
Prime Rate: 0.00%
5 Year Treasury: 0.000% ▲
5 Year Spread: 0.0000%
5 Year Swap: 0.000% ▲
7 Year Treasury: 0.000% ▲
7 Year Spread: 0.0000%
7 Year Swap: 0.000% ▲
10 Year Treasury: 0.000% ▲
10 Year Spread: 0.0000%
10 Year Swap: 0.000% ▲
30 Year Treasury: 0.000% ▲
30 Year Spread: 0.0000%
30 Year Swap: 0.000% ▲
New YorkNew YorkLos AngelesFlorida +1-212-715-3170 +1-310-601-2465 +1-212-715-3170


Front Page

Citigroup Center

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Ladder provided a floating rate bridge loan secured by a Class A office building in Downtown Miami, FL. Loan proceeds were utilized to acquire the Property and fund future leasing costs.  Contact Adam Siper to discuss similar transactions.

Aventura Corporate Center

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Ladder provided a 3-year floating rate bridge loan to finance the acquisition of a Class A office park in Aventura, FL. Contact Marc Waldman to discuss similar transactions.

17 West Miami

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Ladder provided a 10-year fixed rate loan to refinance a multifamily & retail building in Miami Beach, FL.  Contact Michael Fife to discuss similar transactions.

22 Gateway

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Ladder provided a floating rate bridge loan to finance the acquisition of an industrial warehouse facility located in Edwardsville, IL.  Contact Michael Fife to discuss similar transactions.